Meeting of the Marked 2013

Custom Tattoo Flash Exhibit & Contest

Tattoo artists participating in this year's tattoo event will be producing original sheets of flash which will be on display all weekend. One winning sheet will be chosen and the artist will receive a custom Kevin Chasek Tattoo Machine, a set of Waverly Color Company Liquid Acrylic Watercolors and a set of 24 Copic Sketch Markers and some Copic swag! This contest is sponsored by Unique Ink Tattoo and all proceeds will be donated to Krooked Ken's Tattooing to Save Babies!




If you have any questions, please contact me...
Tim Azinger - email

Art Gallery & Live Painting

With the extra space we have this year, we are able to bring back the Art Gallery. All tattooers will display work in other mediums (painting, marker, photography, sculpture, et al). Art may be for sale at the artists choosing. Any artists not working the convention, but interested in displaying work, please contact me to make arrangements.

I've also spoken with several artists who will spend time during the convention working on various projects.

If you have any questions, please contact me...
Tim Azinger - email

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